Child Safeguarding Policy

In keeping the safety and protection of children as our highest priority, we publicly communicate ASD’s Child Safeguarding Policy to ensure awareness and understanding by all members of our school community. This policy affirms our belief in the right of all children to be protected from all forms of maltreatment, as set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, to which Qatar is a signatory. ASD strives toward a proactive environment that protects children by preventing child maltreatment before it occurs or by ensuring its earliest possible detection, reporting, and intervention. Our Child Safeguarding Policy makes clear to all school personnel what is required in relation to the protection of students:

ASD Chilld Safeguarding Policy Statement

Duty of Care

The American School of Doha is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all students.  We provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are respected and valued.  All school personnel are responsible for the care, safety and protection of children. This responsibility extends to the identification and timely response to concerns regarding the possible maltreatment (physical, emotional, sexual abuse, or neglect) of a child.

Mandated Reporting

All school personnel are mandated to report any child protection concerns to their divisional Designated Lead (Counselor) without undue delay. 

Safe Recruitment Practices

In addition to positive work references, employment at ASD is contingent upon the provision of a satisfactory criminal history check.  All new faculty will be required to undertake a background check before commencing employment.  

Code of Conduct

All employees of the school are required to abide by the procedures outlined in the ASD’s Statement of Acknowledgement of Code of Conduct.

ASD’s Child Safeguarding Policy & Procedures Handbook

We recently revised ASD’s Child Safeguarding Policy & Procedures Handbook in accordance with the recommendations and requirements of the new Child Protection Standards of our accrediting agency (NEASC). These processes and procedures are founded upon our professional and ethical obligation to identify children who are in need of help and protection and to take steps to ensure that the child and family avail themselves of services needed to remedy any situation that constitutes child maltreatment. The handbook defines procedures and establishes clear guidelines for all ASD school personnel in reporting and responding to any matters related to the health, safety, and care of students. I encourage you to read through this handbook to familiarize yourself with the policy and procedures followed by ASD.  

By enrolling your child at ASD, you agree to work in partnership with us and abide by the policies adopted by the ASD Board of Directors. We can work together to achieve our common goal for our children to grow and learn free of fear in a safe and supportive environment.  

Thank you for working in partnership with us in providing for the safety and care of your children.


Steve M. Razidlo

Director of the American School of Doha

Child Safeguarding Handbook

Contact Us

Any concerns regarding child safeguarding at ASD can be directed to ASD’s Child Protection Officer:

[email protected]