About Upper Elementary School
The Upper Elementary School (UES) is comprised of Grades 3, 4, and 5. There are over 40 outstanding faculty members who give continuous support and guidance to our students and families on a daily basis.
Our school day begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m. An average day in the UES consists of students learning our core subjects through Readers and Writers Workshop, Mathematics, and Science or Social Studies. In addition, students have a rotating schedule throughout the week that consists of two 40-minute periods each for Physical Education, Music, Art, one period a week for Library, and Guidance or Technology. Our World Language offerings are two 40-minute periods a week with a rotating third period every other week. On Tuesday afternoons, students are dismissed at 12:30 pm in order to provide faculty with the opportunity to participate in Professional and Collaborative Time (PACT).
We pride ourselves on following our ASD values of Respect, Honesty, Responsibility, and Compassion both in and out of the classroom. Students are nominated by their teachers to receive a Dragon Pride Award at each monthly assembly.

Brian Donaldson
Upper Elementary School

Melissa Edme
Upper Elementary School
Associate Principal