Academic Programs
Our High School (HS) curriculum is in line with our school’s vision and mission, ensuring that our students become positive, active global citizens. A full description of our High School (HS) Program of Studies can be found at the link below.
Please click HERE for a full description of our HS Program of Studies
Advanced Placement Program (AP)
Biology, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Statistics, Chemistry, Physics 1, Physics 2, Environmental Science, English Language & Composition, English Literature & Composition, World History, U.S. Government & Politics, Comparative Government & Politics, Seminar, U.S. History, Computer Science A, Research, Computer Science Principles, French Language & Culture, Precalculus and Spanish Language & Culture.
International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB)
Economics, Psychology, History, Global Politics, Math Analysis and Approaches HL/SL, Math Applications and Interpretations HL/SL, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Visual Arts, Theater Arts, Film, English Literature, Language & Literature (English, Arabic), Language B (French, Spanish and Arabic) Language ab initio SL (French, Spanish, Arabic).
English Literature HL/SL, Language & Literature HL/SL (English, Spanish, Arabic), Language B HL/SL (French, Spanish and Arabic) Language ab initio SL (French, Spanish, Arabic), Economics HL/SL, Psychology HL/SL, History HL/SL, Global Politics HL/SL, Biology HL/SL, Chemistry HL/SL, Physics HL/SL, Math Analysis and Approaches HL/SL, Math Applications and Interpretations HL/SL, Visual Arts HL/SL, Theater HL/SL, Film HL/SL.
ASD HS Diploma
ASD offers a college preparatory program which is aligned with the American Education Reaches Out (AERO) Standards, as well as the Common Core Standards. The program also focuses on inquiry-based learning approach throughout the core subjects; English, Math, Science, Social Studies, World Languages and a wide variety of electives that provide our students with a solid foundation as they prepare for university. ASD promotes the intellectual and personal growth of its students through well-balanced curricular offerings that look to address students passions, as well as challenge their academic development.
Physical Education and Health
The ASD Physical Education program follows the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America) standards. At ASD students will develop health-related fitness, physical competence, cognitive understanding, and positive attitudes about physical activity so that they can make lifelong wellbeing (physical, social, mental and emotional, spiritual) enhancing decisions. They will derive personal satisfaction from active participation and develop the intrinsic motivation for an active lifestyle. Students will develop social skills and understand social responsibility in a physical activity context.
Fine and Performing Arts Department
The Fine Arts Program at ASD is fundamental to all students and is intended to establish an aesthetic awareness and appreciation of music, drama, and visual arts. Through the study of fine arts, students will enrich their lives by creating, listening to, and performing in different art fields. As they continue to study and gain experience, each student’s vocabulary, value judgment, perception and critical thinking skills will likewise sharpen. These experiences will encourage the development of self-discipline and instill a desire for lifelong learning. Classes include but are not limited to Drama, IB Theater, Percussion, Choir, Graphic Design, Ceramics, Drawing, Painting and IB Visual Art.

Michael Roberts
High School

Paul Kasky
High School
Associate Principal

Nicole Anderson
High School
Associate Principal