About The Lower Elementary School
The Lower Elementary School (LES) program caters to children starting at 3+ years of age in Pre-Kindergarten 3 (Pre-K 3), to 7+ years of age in Grade 2. There are approximately 550 students enrolled in the LES division, comprising around 48 nationalities.
Students engage in core curricula schooling in homeroom settings, characterized by class sizes ranging from 16 students per class in Pre-K 3 to 20 students per class in Grade 2, and are taught by qualified and dedicated educators. There are three sections of Pre-K 3, six sections of Pre-K 4 and seven sections at every grade level KG to Grade 2, each assigned to one homeroom teacher with a full-time learning assistant. Two LES Guidance Counselors work closely with both students and teachers to promote school values and life skills.
Students in KG to Grade 2 attend physical education, music and art lessons twice a week, and Pre-K 3 and Pre-K 4 students attend physical education, music and art lessons once a week; as their school day ends at 12:30 pm. This in addition to scheduled library and information technology lessons taking place once a week, and IT integration embedded in curricular units across all subject areas. Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is offered to students who are native speakers of Arabic starting in KG. Students in Grades 1 and 2 all have the opportunity to attend instruction in the following world languages: Arabic as a Foreign Language (AFL), Spanish as a Foreign Language, and MSA (eligible students only). Students who require additional learning and intervention support, and/or further exposure to English as an Additional Language (EAL) instruction, receive these services through the LES Support Services department and their homeroom teachers.
The school year is divided into semesters, with mid-semester and end of semester reporting; in addition to two conferences scheduled each year; one being a parent/teacher conference, and the other being a three-way/student-led conference.

Margarita Mendez
Lower Elementary School

Craig Campbell
Lower Elementary School
Associate Principal