Academic Programs
The Lower Elementary School (LES) grades serve as the foundation stage that will prepare our students throughout High School, university, and beyond. Our program is one that is tailored to provide our students with a rigorous, well-rounded education. A full description of our Elementary School (ES) Program of Studies can be accessed through the link below.
Please click HERE for a full description of our ES Program of Studies.
Core Subjects
- Mathematics, Science, Language Arts (Reading, Writing, Word Study), and Social Studies.
World Languages
- The world language program at ASD is based on the premise that learning another language and culture are fundamental to a well-rounded education. Languages being taught include Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), Arabic as a Foreign Language (AFL), and Spanish as a Foreign Language.
- The Music program at ASD is well rounded and vibrant. Children learn Music through singing, movement, rhymes, games, and playing Instruments.
- Art education at the ASD follows the National Core Art Standards. The four Art standards are Creating, Performing/Presenting/Producing, Responding and Connecting. They are embedded in the curriculum to ensure that our students know and appreciate the value of Art in the world.
Physical Education
- The ASD Physical Education program follows the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America) standards. At ASD students will develop health related fitness, physical competence, cognitive understanding, and positive attitudes about physical activity so that they can make lifelong wellbeing (physical, social, mental and emotional, spiritual) enhancing decisions. They will derive personal satisfaction from active participation and develop the intrinsic motivation for an active lifestyle. Students will develop social skills and understand social responsibility in a physical activity context.

Margarita Mendez
Lower Elementary School

Craig Campbell
Lower Elementary School
Associate Principal